Monday, March 3, 2008

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest

By Kgobalale Peter Moruthane

Our parents struggled;
20 years back;
They fought for freedom;
They fought against;
White supremacy;
So that we can be;
A rainbow nation.

They fought;
And they won;
But now what is happening;
Are we still going back;
Were our parents are from.

Why domination;
Of a certain tribe or color;
Why are we fighting
In our own country;
Why are we discriminating;
Against each other.

Does a color still matter;
Does a tribe still matter;
I know color is there;
And tribes are there;
But let then not put us apart;
Because we are the children of this soil;
All of us;
Black or white.

Why are we killing each other;
In the name of racism;
Why are we assaulting each other;
In the name of racism;
Our grandfather once said;
Never, never and never again;
Do we disrespect;
What he said;
South Africans;
Let us sing a song;
A song of a rainbow nation;
Nkosi sinkeleli Africa.

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