Friday, February 29, 2008

Gays and lesbians- who came with this Idea

Gays and lesbians- who came with this Idea

“You may call me a boy or girl, it is what I am”

I am worried and wondering about a kind of a person who just came up with this idea of introducing a gays and lesbians. I also have a question in mind about the nature of people who adopted this idea. I am aware that each and every time there are things that are introduced and people adopt and start to associate themselves with. If it may mean I am offending anyone they must pardon me. I am really against this idea because it does not correspond with cultural norms and even religious norms.

I was listening to a Radio Turf, a Campus radio in the University of Limpopo early Saturday morning; the host of the morning drive Pappie Maja invited a gay guy called Dumi, well the programme was full of call in’s people were asking this gay guy questions about what type of like they are going through. Dumi told the listeners that they may call him/her boy or a girl, “what a shame”! Said one of the callers, “When you were given birth your parents were very happy, they did not say you are a girl, but a boy now what is it that you are doing?”

I am also one of the people who do not concur with the idea of saying this fashion of gays and lesbians is nature, in our rural communities there is northing like that, you will never hear some body saying she is a lesbian or saying he is a gay. But go to urban areas, most people who claim to be gays and lesbians are people who some time we take them as being our role models e.g. artists and celebrities. I never saw a poor gay or lesbian, is this fashion about being rich or what is its agenda?

Ladies and gentlemen in the early years God created Adam and Eve, men husband and wife, then these other things that we see I do not know where they are going to end. Do these gays and lesbians sometimes think of having children or family in particular? If the answer is yes then something should be some how wrong with them.

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