Tuesday, December 2, 2008

From today Poems will be updated daily

Dear readers, just know that from today poems in this site will be updated daily. Every day one or two poems will be posted. I hope you will enjoy the poems. I want to encouradge you to also sent me your poems so that they can be futured in this site. Discuss the poems with me, and i will discuss yours with you.


I will soon be introducing poetry contest ( Only for South African Readers, Poets). You will be requested to supmit your poems and at the end of every week, one poem will get an amount of R 20,00. The winning poets will receive their awards when the money reach R200,00, so start sending your poems to kpmoruthane@webmail.co.za . The poems will be selected, those which qualify for the weekly draw, will be poested during the week so that people can start voting for them.

Closing date for submission is every saturday at 12:00. Any poem submited afer stipulated time and date will be posted a week after the one received late for.

To vote for a poem: Go to comment and state your vote. The poem with many votes becomes weekly winner.

When sending your poem, also include your contact details. ( Not banking details )

For Today enjoy these poems.

So proud I stand

I stand up everyday;
Pronouncing lout who am I;
Telling people where am I from;
Without fear but with self confidence;
I stand before everyone;
Telling them whom I used to be;
Before yesterday and today.

I am proud to stand up;
And fry Masutsa;
Drink home made Amarura beer;
And drink home made Mageu;
I feel proud to tell people;
That I grew up in a poverty striven area;
Where I used to eat Dikodi and Matsankodi.

Even today where I am;
And tomorrow where I will be;
I will never leave my past back;
I will carry them with me where ever I go;
So proud I will always stand;
And pronounce who I am.

We were dancing a Masoboro dance;
Singing songs of Basemanyana;
Eating Mabilo and Mapara;
Drinking Borolo and Manapo;
So proud we stand;
And always we will;
Without any fear of intimidation.

Young Lions

You the juvenile lions;
Growl as tomorrow you will be in charge;
You immature lions of South Africa;
How will you bite tomorrow;
How will you slay tomorrow;
Because you are now divulging your teeth.

Get together juvenile lions;
Plan for your outlook;
Do not obliterate your nature;
By so doing;
You are also annihilating our motherland.

Grind your teeth;
Prepares your self for tomorrow;
Do not sit down and slumber;
And anticipate to constantly be awakened;
Tomorrow will be an extra day;
And no one will stimulate you;
You will be on your own.

Be sure of the foot you shift first;
Be sure sooner than making any move;
Because your foremost shift;
Determine your tomorrow;
Watch your footsteps everyday;
And you will live to see tomorrow.

You young lions of South Africa;
Go through all steps you are making;
Prepares for a wrestle;
Tomorrow y a wrestle is coming;
And you will have to face it.
With the look of my eyes;
You do not look ready;
If you do not prepares today;
And look back to what you did;
South Africa will lose tomorrow’s fight.

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